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Assembly, Aspirations, and Anniversaries

Canada day is one of my favorite holidays. This affinity for the celebration of our country's anniversary comes from the nostalgia of going out to celebrate as a child as well as from a deep rooted love of this nation and its core values. I was very excited to be able to celebrate Canada day in a new way, up here in northern Alberta and it's beautiful side of Canada. We started off with a free pancake breakfast in Fort Vermilion, after breakfast we grabbed a coffee and went down to the side of the Peace River to read and enjoy the serenity. In Fort Vermilion at lunch hour there was a parade that came through town, throwing candy and Canada themed goodies to the children lined up to watch, and maybe a couple for the adults too. After the parade we dashed off to High Level to visit the festivities there, which included a performance by Firestone, a band which includes members from Boyer whom we have gotten to know. We also got our second free meal of the day at a BBq in the park and we sat and soaked up the sun as we listened to the band and watched the commotion around us. From High Level we were going to visit Brenda the fellow in Chateh for the Dene Th'a assembly. Before we got on the road we stopped at Tim Horton's to cool off from the hot day and get a Canadian drink for our Canadian road trip. The trip was serene and uneventful, we arrived in no time and joined right into the festivities. The evening included free and delicious supper, a traditional fashion show, hand games, tea dances, round dances, traditional cooking workshops and much more. It was an exciting evening of culture and friendship. All in all we had a diverse, exciting and inspiring Canada in wonderful northern Alberta.

We stayed the night at Brenda's so that we could continue in the assembly for one more day. Saturday brought much of the same activities as Friday, but this time we were also able to see the pow wow, we organized some games for kids present at the assembly, and got to spend more time with the Alberta Future Leaders who came to partake from their summer work in Bushe Reserve. By the early evening the excitement of the past few days began to crash down upon me and therefore with a two hour drive left to get us home we parted ways from Brenda in Chateh. Sunday was spent recovering from the weekend, we slept in, cleaned the house, worked out and watched TV. Not nearly as exciting as Friday or Saturday but much needed. Tuesday our coordinator for Engage North came up to visit us from Edmonton. Not only did she bring well wishes and a councilor with which to discuss our successes and failures and worries but also my bridesmaids dress for my upcoming friends wedding! I was able to try it on and therefore get it altered in time for the wedding. Tuesday night as well as much of Wednesday morning was spent discussing our work so far and our aspirations for the rest of the summer. Maggie really helped us plan and brainstorm for the months to come as well as refreshed and renewed my sense of purpose which has been wavering somewhat in terms of my direction with my work.

For my dress alterations I asked around and received the name of a community member who could do it. She had recently worked on the wedding dress for a local wedding last weekend. Lily and I stopped by her house, I stepped into the dress, she eyeballed where it was loose and told me should would have it ready the next night after radio bingo. The next night Lily and I stopped by at 9 o'clock and I stepped into the dress once again. The dress now fit me perfectly to a T, how she knew how much to take out from just looking at me I will never know. Not only that but she had cleaned and ironed it for me, this is just another example of the truly amazing, talented and kind people we have had the pleasure of meeting here in this community.

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