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Workshops, Wain(Rain) and Weights

This post is coming at the time during which I would usually be doing my next post. I think the laid back attitude of the community is starting to get to me! I will try and do the post for this week in the next coming days and then get my posts back on track. Not wanting to miss a beat of my life here I will return to July 11 to recount the week that followed.

July 11th was the date of the work-ability workshop which Lily and I helped facilitate. We had been photocopying pamphlets, applications and resources for the participants of the workshop for over a week. The day had finally come, it was raining and we were weary of how successful the workshop would be and the attendance. Our worries were soon put to rest when we had a full classroom of junior high and high school age students ready to learn. The workshop covered resume and cover letter building skills, interview skills, rights and responsibilities of the worker and the sharing of personal experiences from our wonderful guest and some great discussions. All in all the workshop was most definitely a success! Afterwards it was still raining, Lily and I decided to go home to watch a movie. I introduced Lily to one of my favorites, The Princess Bride! For all of those who have seen it that was the inspiration for the second word of my title.

Sunday was a wonderful lazy day in the rain again. I had started my fourth book of the summer and I was completely enthralled and spent most of my day reading. I ran with my book to the shelter of the band office entry way so I could read outside and appreciate the rain without getting wet. I ended up finishing the book in two and a half days and moved onto my fifth book for the summer.

The rest of the week was a good steady stream of activities. Monday was elders bingo and Lily and I helped call the bingo again. The rest of the week we helped Nevada in the office and Thursday we had a full day of meetings. From Treaty Land Entitlement set up meetings to housing renovation meetings. It was a very informative and interesting day. All the while all week we were preparing for the second 5 km run of the summer that was to occur June 18th. Everyday I was in the gym hitting the weights, throughout the summer we have taken advantage of the gym in the garage of the fire hall but this week especially. Then Friday we went in to High Level for groceries but ended up coming away with more clothes then food! There had been a pop up boutique selling leggings and after quite a while of deliberation Lily and I both came away with two pairs each.

This week was full of rain and routine but it was a very positive and restful week! It prepared us for the hectic weekend that came next, but that's for another post,another day.

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