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Food, Friends and Field Trips

This past week has been abuzz with activity for Lily and I! From a happening long weekend to a visit from our Engage North Coordinators, this week has been filled with laughter and new experiences. Our Saturday was spent catching up in High Level with our fellow fellows from Chateh and a previous fellow now working in Hay River. We sat and talked for hours over tea and coffee, laughing about all the funny and interesting things which had happened in our first few weeks in our host communities as well as our common interests. We also stopped by a hand games tournament in Bushe. There was a lot going on and I was more then confused, however I was simultaneously delighted to just be there. To be able to experience this entertaining and very boisterous piece of culture with my friends was an amazing experience. From there we took a trip out to Hutch lake, it's beauty took our breath away and got our cameras out and at the ready! After a picture taking section and relaxing on the pier we parted ways from our Chateh and Hay River friends, planning the next outing at which we could meet. Before Lily and I left for home we got a bite of supper, not realizing until we got in the car to head home that it was nearly midnight already! The sun was still out and we had been having such a wonderful time, the time of day seemed an abstract and irrelevant concept, that is until we made it to our beds.

Sunday morning was spent in preparation for what has now become a weekly visit to Papa Henry's, only this week we were going for his brother in-law's birthday party. The food was great and the company even better. Time flew by and our visit lasted all afternoon and evening, seeing as Monday was Victoria Day and we did not have to go in for work. The next morning we decided to work off the big birthday supper from the night before by going for a hike on the Nordic ski trails just a couple hundred meters from our house. The hike was nice and peaceful, except for the bugs, and was a great time to talk with Lily. We have both noted that though the time since we first met has been short, the amount which we are comfortable with one another is astounding! After the long 7km walk we spent the rest of the day relaxing, winding down from the week and preparing for the week ahead.

After work on Tuesday we awaited the arrival of our Engage North coordinators. We were excited to see them once again, especially considering they brought food and were wanting to cook for us. After a hearty meal and hours of us rushing over ourselves to recount the numerous hilarious and spectacular moments and stories of our first two weeks in Boyer, we decided to take a walking tour of the community, running into many excited children who were ready to meet the new arrivals. Thankfully our visitors were just in time for Elders bingo the next day! For Elders bingo we went and helped set up, however we were less on the ball than we thought and by the time we got there it was almost all taken care of! We then helped get the elders food and drinks and ate ourselves. There was a veritable feast, including my first taste of authentic beaver first nation made bannock. It was absolutely delicious, and it was the first bannock Lily had ever tried. Lily made a wonderful observation which I had never realized before, Bannock is very similar to Chinese donuts. Curious how civilizations so seemingly different and separated, can have those kind of similarities, just goes to remind us we are all just people and are not so different after all.

The rest of the week included more visiting with the coordinators, more long walks, more beautiful views and delicious food. All in all this past week has been exciting as well as pleasant. I am really starting to love and feel at home here in this community. I can already tell only two and a half weeks into my staying here that leaving at the end of August is going to be difficult, more so then other places I have visited or lived temporarily. We will deal with that when it comes though. For now, I will keep creating memories and keep the adventure going!

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